Travelling to Nepal for 20 years, I have been able to not only make life-long friends but family. Experiencing culture as a traveler is very different than as a tourist.

Why are our tours to Nepal different, you may ask?

Well then you need to know a bit about me, Matt Cole.


For myself, Nepal’s fast pace and controlled chaos, enhances the ability to accept change and grow in stressful situations. This has also been true for my family and friends who have had the opportunity, over the years, to not only experience a holiday but to also gain an insight into a beautiful culture.

Change is inevitable

I have worked most of my life in construction and in that time I saw too many people burn out, lose themselves or loved ones or take their own lives. Around seven years ago, I decided to make a difference, I returned to the classroom and studied mental heath, counselling and social work whilst still making sure that I had time to travel.

After working in mental health and roles in counselling I have found that most people struggle to change or grow, as they are stuck on the same roller coaster from day to day. We all know the saying “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome”. This is also true if you are trying to change in the same environment which is inhibiting your growth and potential.

My experiences in Nepal have given me the opportunity to leave my social constraints, whether they be family, work, relationships or just needing time to reflect and refresh and one of the main reasons that I tell people that I go to Nepal is simply to watch the clouds grow.

I can not only give you a trip to Nepal but an insight into an amazing culture and resilience of it’s people. I have not only learnt so much, I have seen so much change. After seeing the transformation of others that have joined me on these tours, it is time to offer the same to others.

Why not leave your village to find your world?

Yak to us about 2019 tours to Nepal

Our next tours from Australia to Nepal will be in March and October 2019

Get the Itinerary! Three men in Nepal